
public void testCheckInputNumber() { assertTrue(App.checkInputNumber(1,100)); assertFalse(App.checkInputNumber(1,0));

The 'testCheckInputNumber' method tests the method by passing two sets of arguments and asserting whether the method returns 'true' or 'false'. The first assertion check if the method returns 'true' when passed the argemtns '1' and '100', while the second assertion if the mehod returns 'false' when passed the arguments'1' and '0'.

The assertTrue and assertFalse methods are JUnit assertion methods used to test whether a condition is true or false, respectively. The assertTrue method checks if a condition is true, while the assertFalse method checks if a condition is false125. If the condition is not satisfied, the assertion fails and an error message is displayed1.In the provided JUnit test case, the assertTrue method is used to assert that the checkInputNumber method returns true when passed the arguments 1 and 100. On the other hand, the assertFalse method is used to assert that the checkInputNumber method returns false when passed the arguments 1 and 0 12.

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